Saturday, January 30, 2010

Regarding Thing 15

I groaned inwardly at the thought of this particular Thing. I'm just not drawn to the social interactive aspects of the web. My impression is that it's the home of all that's insipid and inane. But anyway, and seriously, I did find reading about the subject to be tolerable, if not a bit interesting. At Library 2.0 there's lots of discussion among librarians who are just getting their toes wet with Twitter, and what's interesting is that you can tell this is the very beginning, the early teething stages of exploring how to use it. I couldn't really tell how they actually are using it, and that's because, in many cases, neither could the librarians yet. It's also interesting to read about settings where the librarians, in small special or township public libraries, have some autonomy in decision making. They can come to work one day and think "Let's try Twitter today" and just jump in with negligible bureaucrataic fol-de-rol to navigate first.

Regarding Thing 14

Umm. Well. Technorati. Let's see. I don't think this is where I'll learn anything about tags, since clicking on the link "tabs" gets me nowhere. I'll try to come back to this, but as it is, I don't immediately see it's use to me at the information desk. I'm not saying there isn't a use, just that I couldn't determine it in the brief time I had to explore. Also, I found Technorati to be visually unappealing, if not downright abrasive to the eyes.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Regarding Thing 13

The holidays, the snowmygod weekend, and JavaNow training have come and gone; time to get back on track. I have looked at I looked for a bookmark for links to info about snow blowers, and it took me to a Consumer Reports article. Nice, but there are other routes. I looked at MCPL's bookmarks. Hmmm. Useful, but nothing new since '07. I did like it for browsing blogs. If I'd used it for Thing 9 I would have come across and included it in my post. I'll keep exploring.